IR library

Factbook / Financial Data

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation financial data

Financial data 2022

document: Financial data 2022

Entire document

Summary of operations
Revenue composition
Overseas revenue composition
Costs and expenses
Interest and interest coverage ratio
Operating profit
Per share data
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. shareholders’ equity
Profitability and per employee data
R&D expenditures and capital expenditures
Assets and turnover
Debt and liquidity
Consolidated balance sheet (assets) -U.S. GAAP
Consolidated balance sheet (liabilities and equity) -U.S. GAAP
Consolidated statement of income and retained earnings -U.S. GAAP
Consolidated statement of cash flows -U.S. GAAP
Consolidated statement of finaicial position (assets) -IFRS
Consolidated statement of finaicial position (liabilities and equity) -IFRS
Consolidated statement of profit or loss -IFRS
Consolidated statement of cash flows -IFRS
Corporate information