Sustainability management


Basic policy of Sustainability

The Mitsubishi Electric Group regards its sustainability initiatives as the foundation of its corporate management, and implements sustainability-oriented initiatives in all corporate activities in accordance with its "Purpose," "Our Values," and "Commitment."
It is crucial to maintain communication with various stakeholders to pursue initiatives for achieving a sustainable society, as well as to incorporate the expectations, requests, and opinions from society into activities and to avoid acts that will inconvenience society.
By ensuring transparent disclosure of information on sustainability, the Mitsubishi Electric Group aims to obtain a favorable response from stakeholders, and to realize a vibrant and sustainable society together with its stakeholders.

diagram: Stakeholders of the Mitsubishi Electric Group

Stakeholders of the Mitsubishi Electric Group


In light of requests from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),* social trends, and the business environment, in fiscal 2022 the Mitsubishi Electric Group reviewed the materiality identified in fiscal 2016, initiatives, targets, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to address sustainability issues more at the management level and to work on them on a long term basis.
We will conduct continual improvement activities by implementing the Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle for the materiality, initiatives, targets, and KPIs.

  • * An international body that proposes shared global guidelines for corporate sustainability reporting.

Promotional System for Sustainability

The policies and planning for the sustainability activities of the Mitsubishi Electric Group are decided by a Sustainability Committee appointed by Mitsubishi Electric’s executive officers. The Committee is composed of the heads of Mitsubishi Electric’s management departments (23 members in charge of environmental, social and governance aspects from divisions such as Corporate Strategic Planning and Corporate Human Resources), and discusses the results of activities performed during the previous fiscal year, decisions on future activity plans, and responses to law amendments, from a perspective that spans the entire Mitsubishi Electric Group. The details of Sustainability Committee meetings are reported to the senior executives through the Executive Officers’ Meeting and the Audit Committee.

Knowing that sustainability activities are directly linked to corporate management, each department responsible for ethics and legal compliance, quality assurance and improvement, environmental conservation and philanthropy activities, and communication with stakeholders implements their own initiatives, based on the sustainability policy of the Mitsubishi Electric Group.

In addition to the Sustainability Committee that is generally held at least twice a year, various activities are also promoted and implemented in communication with the Sustainability Expert Committee and Sustainability Business Promotion Committee, which are convened as a forum for sharing and executing the policies and plans established by the Sustainability Committee.

Main agenda of the Sustainability Committee (held in April 2021)

  • Report on achievements made in the previous fiscal year and activities planned in the current fiscal year
  • Sustainability initiatives at the management level
  • Review of materiality
  • Responses to the sustainable development goals (SDGs)
  • Further enhanced information disclosure that takes into account ESG (environment, social, governance) investment
  • Human rights initiatives
  • diagram: Sustainability Promotion System

    Sustainability Promotion System

  • photo: Sustainability Committee

    Sustainability Committee

Sustainability Expert Committee

photo: Sustainability Expert Committee and Sustainability Business Promotion Committee (joint meeting)

Sustainability Expert Committee and Sustainability Business Promotion Committee (joint meeting)

Officers from 23 departments with particular relevance to sustainability regularly hold meetings to share information and deepen their understanding of the Mitsubishi Electric Group's materiality and future initiatives, as well as discuss responses to laws and regulations and international sustainability standards. They aim to build communication and consensus through these discussions..

Four such meetings were held in fiscal 2021. Discussions focused on verifying the performance and reviewing the targets of initiatives addressing materiality. The committee also examined responses to global human rights initiatives by establishing working groups for relevant departments.

Sustainability Business Promotion Committee

Managers from all business groups gather in regular meetings to share information about the Mitsubishi Electric Group's sustainability and discuss social issues that need to be solved, with the theme of "contributing to society through business."

The committee held four meetings in fiscal 2021, with a focus on discussing how the Group could contribute to addressing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) through business.

Main agenda of the Sustainability Expert Committee and Sustainability Business Promotion Committee for fiscal 2021

  • Review of materiality
  • Response to the SDGs
  • Further enhancement of information disclosure that takes into account ESG (environment, social, governance) investment
  • Human rights initiatives